_sharax journal_ _a word or two or more about her journey day-to-day _what she thinks that she might not share verbally _what she amazed at, who she wrote about, when she experience it, where have she been, which she prefer more, how she express it_

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


long time no blogging...bz ker sharax? xdelah.. acting busy jek... hujung² tahun nie macam kemalasan tuh tahap maximum okay... sindrom tahapeape... pastu biler malas, mulalah aktiviti mengacau org.. kepada mangsa2 kekacauan aku, maaf la yek... sesungguhnya anda amat best utk dikacau, tu sbb sharax gi kacau anda...
zurai tgh diskas pasal preparation kawin die ngan deela kat rantaian email kiterang... aku baca apa yg die cite pun aku naik pening... banyak nye mende nak kene consider nak kawin... sorang lagi, soulie pulak dah blur2 naive2 dah lately.. hihihi... tempias org nak kawin ni buat aku pun rasa nak g kawin gak laa... mana nak dapat rezeki terpijak nih??
oh, btw, dlm musim2 org kawin nie, aku pun pelik napa aku xde langsung jemputan kawin pada musim kali ni... selalu sampai tak terpegi-pegi... kali nie takde langsung plak... apeapejela.. ko igt sesuka hati jek ke nak suh org kawin time tu time nie...
azam tahun 2008 aku boleh dikatakan tercapai la jugakk... berjalan sampai penat... x penat pun, tapi mmg x sempat menyimpan langsung tahun 2008 nie.. so, start now; aku kene menyimpan uwang... lepas ni nak kumpul reta la plak... excerpts from azam 2008 yg aku taruk kat facebook... nntla aku post ape azam tahun 2009 plak...

Monday, December 15, 2008



ingat x simpulan bahasa ni.. kite belajar masa sekolah rendah..
mengikut website Karyanet, pada link http://www.karyanet.com.my/knetbeta/peribahasa_sm/simp.php?simpulan_abjad=b; Batu Api bermaksud "Orang yang suka menghasut."

mintak dijauhkan daripada diri kita sifat macam tu, nauzubillah...

kesan dia pada org yg kena api tersebut, pedih okayy..

Thursday, December 11, 2008


sharax ..: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Malaysia
sharax ..: org jawa ngan bugis paling banyak ethnic nya kat mesia
sharax ..: now aku wonder.. aku from which ethnic
sharax ..:
dorasakura: hahaha
dorasakura: ko siam
sharax ..: siam xde dlm list
sharax ..: aku arab kut
sharax ..: hhahaha
dorasakura: so ko bukan org mesia
dorasakura: mix la kunun
sharax ..: aku mix sume etnik

excerpts from borak-borak ngan aan selepas lunch tadi...
and, utk pengetahuan lanjut, sila browse ke http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Malaysia

Ancestry Claimed Population
Acehnese 20,000 - 1,000,000
Arab 500,000 - 1,000,000
Banjarese 3,000,000
Bugis 1,284,000-7,500,007
Cham 10,000 - 100,000
Chinese 217,100 - 500,000
Indian 200,000 - 1,000,000
Minangkabau 300,000 - 1,000,000
Turkish 300,000
Vietnamese 200,000 - 1,000,000

Wednesday, December 03, 2008



Curtains are almost falling on the year 2008! Let us go for a celebration on the name of '2008', and what better occasion than Christmas to share this joyous occasion.

Hence, as it is a season for giving let us have a present exchange for this occasion. Simply draw from a box (Padma will be bringing a box later today) on the person you need to buy the gift for! At a minimum budged of RM 10 go on a shopping spree, get that special gift, have it wrapped and named and place it under the Christmas tree by the 19th of December.

You need not state your name on the gift, and no one will know who the gift is from therein allowing you full freedom to get that special gift for that special recipient!!!

Go shopping!
