_sharax journal_ _a word or two or more about her journey day-to-day _what she thinks that she might not share verbally _what she amazed at, who she wrote about, when she experience it, where have she been, which she prefer more, how she express it_

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Monday, April 25, 2011


dalam kepala asyik fikir nak beli mesin jahit tepi..
dah survey 2 jenis mesin jahit tepi portable (home-usage)..
Brother M3034D @ Singer 14N655..
Tapi, mcm lebih kepada nak beli Brother tu sebab mesin jahit aku skang pun cap Abang jugak.. plus point, retail price Brother murah sket..
Tapi lagi, adakah ia akan jadi suatu tambahan pelaburan @ akan jadi suatu pembaziran? sebabnya, bila mood malas, mmg akan lama la mesin x bersentuh... huahuahua...
So, masih lagi berfikir...