_sharax journal_ _a word or two or more about her journey day-to-day _what she thinks that she might not share verbally _what she amazed at, who she wrote about, when she experience it, where have she been, which she prefer more, how she express it_

Friday, October 31, 2008


Bila keyakinan ku datang
Kasihku tak sekedar cinta
Pengobanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan

Maafkankan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cinta ku padamu

p/s : jiwang x??? ahaks.. sekali skala aku nak jadik jiwang... blog aku... aku punya suka okay!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


My head is saying "fool, forget him",
my heart is saying "don't let go"
Hold on to the end, that's what I intend to do...


hehehhe... its nearly end of 2008 now... and, still remember tak my aim for 2008?? travel as much as i could... (actually forgot whether i did wrote in blog or not, rasanya ada kutt)... and here i am to do some pre-post-mortem as we are now in October dah...

January - Kota Bharu (1D1N) + Kuala Terengganu (1D1N) + Kuantan (1D)
February - Pulau Tioman (3D3N) + Kuantan (1D)
March - Bandung (4D3N)
April - Cameron Highlands (3D2N)
May - Bangkok (5D5N)
June - Pulau Pangkor (2D1N)
July - Morib (2D1N)
August - Penang (2D2N) + Perlis (1D)
September - its Ramadhan.. got one trip balik kampung Perak (2D1N) for the moreh
October - its Syawal.. Perak (1D1N) + Kota Bharu (1D1N)..

okay... now the lists of upcoming trip until end of the year...
October 16 till 19 - Pulau Perhentian for PIC 2008
November 12 till 19 - Iceland for company trip + Copenhagen for the extended trip
December - no any plans yet... but, know what... last month, I've won a 3D2N package for 2 person to Koh Samui, Thailand.. this is the radio (Fly FM) contests co-sponsored by FireFly.. hehe... they'll be sending in the vouchers soon... as the voucher will be valid until March next year, I still don't know when I'll be going off flying to Koh Samui with FireFly new aircraft... hehehe... and checking on the website for the hotel... woowweee, its sooo classy and *romantic*... lets see how la kan... coz, takut jugak since the tsunami happens on December.. Hihihi.. :D

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


huhu.. xde kesedaran sivik (read: dlu slalu guna term kesedaran fizik) betul certain2 org kat Malaysia nih... tadi on the way balik keje, kat Jalan Kuching.. ade satu kereta ni ACF 2762 kereta model Nissan Sunny.. boleh tengah2 jem-bergerak tuh die buang tisu keluar ikut tingkap??? tatau la tisu apa kan... iskk.. bile membayangkan mungkin itu adalah tisu hingusan dier.. eii yuckss... tapinye, kot iye pun; simpan la dlu kat dalam kete.. nanti dah sampai rumah, pegi la buang dalam tong sampah....
p/s : cuba bayangkan kereta2 kat Malaysia nie ade mic n speaker.. mesti kat jalanan tuh bising giler kan... dan mesti uncle yg aku cite ni dah kene bambu~~ :peace: