_sharax journal_ _a word or two or more about her journey day-to-day _what she thinks that she might not share verbally _what she amazed at, who she wrote about, when she experience it, where have she been, which she prefer more, how she express it_

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Tired Eyes Information

Tired eyes is a very common condition that can happen to anybody. It is usually accompanied by heaviness in the eyes and head. One of the main causes of tired eyes is the stressful life of the present day world. Read on to check out more tired eyes information:

Tired Eyes Symptoms:

* Heaviness in eyes
* Burning sensation
* Irritation in the eyes
* Redness of the eyes

Causes Of Tired Eyes:

* Allergy
* Eyestrain
* Fatigue
* Conjunctivitis
* Inadequate sleep
* Excessive crying
* Inadequate supply of oxygen to the cornea
* Pollution

p/s : am experiencing it now... maybe its time to visit the optometrist and have an eye-check kutt... x ckup power kah @ terlebih power kah?

Friday, January 09, 2009


Azmi Ahmad at 12:09pm January 7
Imagine you are holidaying at the office and loving what you are doing :)

Thursday, January 08, 2009


First Thing First -> Zaza yang tag aku! Start rapat sebab selalu jumpa dalam LRT Putra on the way nak gi kerja. Lama-lama tak tau camana boleh jadi rapat giler.. Maybe, sebab sekepala, leh layan aktiviti sosial bersama, dan paling penting Zaza faham aku!!

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?
- Work colleague -> Travel Gang -> Gym partner -> Best friend

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
- Suka masak². Igt sesi dapur kite berdua masa kat Cameron.
- Suka berjalan jugak. Tapi kdg² bapak dia x bagi pegi.
- Wanita jelita nih!! Peramah some-more. Bertuah encik D. Sila jaga hati die elok².
- Bersungguh apabila membuat sesuatu perkara. Aku salute die punya determination.

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you?
- Ya Allah! Macam banyak jekk.. Good or Bad? Semua ader.. hahaha...

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
- Ngeng ko Shara!

5. If he/she become your lover, you will..
- Erkk??? Haruslah aku kene layan dangdut 25 jam..

7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on…
- She's perfect!! Tapi, maybe dia boleh improve kat ke-blur-an die kutt.. Xyah improve pon lagik best lah!!!

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is…
- Karena dia menolak cintaku 100 persen.. Hahaha...

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
- Ajak die gi Fitness hari-hari..

10. The overall impression of him/her is…
- One of a kind!

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
- Kejam, keji, malas tapi baik

12. The character of you for yourself is?
- Me

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
- Thinking too much

14. The most person that you wanna be is?
- Cloned me.

15. For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
- Terima Kasih.

16. Ten people to tag:
- Kak Watie
- Zurai
- Addaku
- Abg Sharul
- Jairi
- Nahlah
- Iza
- Suerinz
- Sis Wati a.k.a Mummy Vogue
- Naneeno

17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
- Encik Tunang dier la

18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
- Female. Roommate masa kat Brunei. Teman suka-duka di negara orang.

19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
- Together in what sense? Naneeno pon aku lama x jumpa, caner plak nak jumpakan ngan Iza?

20. How about no. 5 and 8?
- 5 & 8 saling mengenali. Aku kenal 8 thru 5. Jairi yg suruh aku contact Sue. Jairi opismet masa kat SKALI dlu, Sue plak kenal masa gi interview IBM yang mana die kerja kat IBM.

20. How about no. 4
- Senior masa kat SKALI dulu. Brader ni duk Gombak, tp aku x penah plak terjumpa kat pasar malam mahupun pasar lambak. Die gi shopping kat Langkawi jekk..

22. Is no. 1 single?
- Dah kawin anak 1. Alya nama daughter die yg comel itu.

Say something about no. 6&9..
- Nahlah - opismet. Mother Gucci kiterang panggil die masa kat Copenhagen.
- Sis Wati - mummy masa kat Brunei. rajin melayan kerenah aku ngan adda. rajin gak melayan keme*****an nordin.. hahahaha... :peace: ni pon mummy vogue gak ni...

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Lagu: Ada Masa Mata
Lagu: M.Nasir
Lirik: AD Samad

Ada masa masa
Bukan dgn mata
Nak menilai rupa
Mana cantik molek dan manis
Tetapi itu kerja hati
Melihat dari pekerti

Ada masa masa
Dari sisi sama
Masih tetap jua
Pandangan boleh berbeza
Asalkan saja di hati
Sudi cuba memahami

Ada masa mata
Ada sahaja
Ada yang tidaklah kena
Cerewet mencari sempurna
Terlupa apa berharga

Ada masa mata
Ada ketika
Tak terlihat cela
Kerana hati sudah suka
Seperti juga aku
Bila mengenali dirimu

Jangan kunci
Pintu hati
Lepas pandang
Sebalik diri
Bila indah telah pudar
Atas apa kita berdiri

NB : Lagu kakakku from latest album 'Lentera Timur'. Haruss cari yang original ni, x jumpa free download lagi.. Kalau nak streaming, gi sini http://mp3crypt.blogspot.com/2008/12/siti-nurhaliza-lentera-timur-2008-full.html

Friday, January 02, 2009


actually aku buat post ni sbb aku nak wat something like recap for 2008... aku nak wat mcm collage utk every months in 2008 punya happenings... tapi, still mencari kerajinan utk berbuat demikian....