_sharax journal_ _a word or two or more about her journey day-to-day _what she thinks that she might not share verbally _what she amazed at, who she wrote about, when she experience it, where have she been, which she prefer more, how she express it_

Monday, October 29, 2007


last-last weekend sabtu : Bandar Sri Permaisuri - Taman Permata
last-last weekend ahad : Bandar Sri Permaisuri - Kajang
last weekend sabtu : Taman Melati (kenduri kak watie - CONGRATS beb!!!)
last weekend ahad : Bandar Sri Putra - Bangsar - Bukit Jelutong - Kelana Jaya - Kota Damansara
this coming weekend sabtu : Gombak - Shah Alam - Ulu Klang
this coming weekend ahad : (not yet decided)
another weekend sabtu : -rumah_gue_kut_insyAllah-

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Thursday, October 25, 2007


Job-hopping is an unconscious attempt to find an answer—a work/life
“balance” that a company gives you —that doesn’t exist. But
grindhopping is a conscious choice to craft a unique career and a life
(or work+life fit) through strategic project-based employment.

taken from here

am interested abt GRINDHOPPING after found a book by Laura Vanderkam. let me finish the read first arr... then, i'll try to summarize it here (dunno when lar kan.. hehehhe)...

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Travel becomes much more appealing and you may find that you're ready for a big new adventure much sooner than you had expected. It's simple to make the preparations, so go for it as soon as you can!